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This upcoming fall will be my first year as a Kindergarten teacher. I feel like I struggle will classroom management & know that is an area I need to work on. What suggestions/advice would you give for starting out a new school year, and setting the tone for the classroom. Also, advice for handling students with disruptive behaviors. I really try hard to be firm/direct, but I assume not enough b/c I find myself still struggling constantly. I was in a class last week substituting for a class of 25 students, and I felt like I lost control of the classroom. I don't want to experience a day like that again when I'm in my own classroom. I'm looking for any suggestions/advice that could guide me as I prepare for the new school year. Thanks in advance for any suggestions/tips.
elsiev You must be very clear on your classroom expectations beginning with the very first day. You also need to teach your kinders what your expected classroom behaviors are. Teach them what a straight line looks like before you march them down the hallway to lunch or a special. Have them practice walking in a straight line around the classroom. Spend yo...See More
May 16, 2017
flacka Some kinders come to school with a preschool or daycare and some have never been away from the family so you should assume that they know nothing about school, routines and procedures and that you will be the one to teach it all to them. Start by taking a simple routine (come to the rug from the table) and think about breaking it down into single a...See More
May 16, 2017
Abby Connors Hi JTeach 1! This reply is belated because I just joined this group. I've taught music to kindergarteners for more than 20 years. First of all, 25 children is a LOT - don't beat yourself up about problems with a class that size! Best two pieces of advice I could give you: 1. Have routines for everything so children know what to expect. This goes fo...See More
Jul 1, 2017

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