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I have been given responsibility for purchasing science
texts for a new school that will open next school year.
Idealistically, I would like all the “best practices” to
be included. Since a major goal is, appropriately, to do
integrated cross-curricula instruction ALL THE TIME, not
as a special add-on, I would hope to find a whole series
of books that connects the programs for math, science,
social studies etc. In other words I don’t want just good
science texts; I want text that coordinate with other
subjects so that the other “content specialists” math,
social studies, arts, language, literacy, etc and I can
cooperate and buy a coherent set of books.

Although I can find gazillion articles telling me, the
teacher how to adapt existing curricula and institute
change to make existing programs cross curricular, I don’t
think it should be up to each individual teacher to create
this a...See More

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