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I just graduated from college - i'm 22 and am teaching
high school English. It is such a different experience
from my student teaching, where I had such well behaved
students. I loved it so much, but now I am struggling. I
love my subject and really want the kids to also, but I am
having such a difficult time getting past the discipline.
It seems I spend all of my time disciplining and don't
have any time to actually teach because the students can't
behave themselves. I think it is partly because I am so
young and that they are testing me to see what they can
get away with, but it is only the 4th week of school and I
don't know if I can last til May. Please tell me it gets
PANewbie /blockquote>


Just want to tell you that I just posted a similar message
and then discovered yours. I loved my student teaching
experience and adored my kids. I still miss them when I
think of them. My own class this year, in my first year, has
been so hard to work with. I too feel like I'm struggling
w...See More
Sep 21, 2005
Ann /blockquote>

I am also in that boat. In student teaching, discipline was my
biggest strength, but I am having a very hard time with it now.
I cannot imagine feeling like this for the rest of the year. I
am 25, and I feel like being a younger tacher makes me feel that
extra need to prove myself. I wanted to be great at it, b...See More
Sep 22, 2005
Kim /blockquote>

I am also struggling with the same issues and more. I try new
things and get the go ahead from my fellow teachers. I've even
got one teacher's kid in our school in my class and run things
by her. I get the go ahead, but then get in trouble. I got
pulled aside yesterday and my mentor said she just doesn't see...See More
Oct 29, 2005

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