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Hi there, I am currently a Clinical Educator for a college/student teacher. I feel that this is the one way I can give back and make another difference in education. However, my student teacher lacks motivation, "withitness" and leadership. I am not sure if you can instill that in someone or if that is a just gift.Teaching is my passion not my job. I want that for all educators and hoped that I could give that love to her but... Any ideas, suggestions etc. Thank you!
Zeskaya However, my > student teacher lacks motivation, "withitness" and > leadership. I am not sure if you can instill that in > someone or if that is a just gift.

Yes you can teach motivation, withitness and leadership. Tap into your optimism, creativity and patience and I am sure you'll find a way to teach your student teacher. After y...See More
Oct 2, 2011
Sara On 10/01/11, bbsouthfla wrote: > Hi there, > I am currently a Clinical Educator for a college/student > teacher. I feel that this is the one way I can give back > and make another difference in education. However, my > student teacher lacks motivation, "withitness" and > leadership. I am not sure if you can instill that in > so...See More
Oct 13, 2011
Leah Great, helpful comments.

Articles that you may want to discuss with her are: Successful Teachers, Ten Keys to Educator's Survival, Words Can Inspire, What Will Your Students Remember? and many others at the following site
Oct 27, 2011

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