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I have a BA in English with a writing emphasis, about 10 years' previous teaching experience (in different capacities), am certified in secondary English through my state's alternative license program.

Whenever I go to job fairs and talk to hiring principals and assistant principals, they always tell me they have no alternative license program and refuse to consider my resume or background. Then, when I check online, I see BOCES programs overseeing those schools and areas. When I called each BOCES office, they insisted that all the schools I spoke with had alternative license programs, but just didn't know it themselves or thought it was called something else. They told me to refer to it as a mentor or fellowship type of program to get past that gate-keeper.

When I've spoken to charter school heads at job fairs, they tell me the same thing; and I know they can legally hire me if they wanted to.

I have great references, lots of experience, and am certified ...See More

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