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It seems like I might have missed something during student teaching; I have a lot of trouble getting the students to pay attention to my lessons, but I don't really blame them, because I don't organize lessons well or teach in a coherent fashion sometimes. I just don't know how to break it down for them, and inventing effective lessons to cover the material is almost impossible. I feel completely overwhelmed. The worksheets I type up just don't look authentic, and I don't know how to help students ease into anything; I just expect them to know it.

The school hasn't given me any guidelines for teaching what they want taught, and I wonder if this is how it is supposed to be. If so, teaching is incredibly difficult, even if you are very familiar with your subject. This is something I really want to do, though, and I did go to school for it. I'm just missing something. Some things aren't organized enough, and I don't have the right kinds of teaching materials, and ...See More
Subteacher86 Who should I approach about this? I haven't been offered a permanent position, and I have little confidence during teaching job interviews, and it probably shows. In my mind, it is all my fault when things don't go right, but approaching my principal about this would probably result in not getting the job. I really do want to teach, but I think I'v...See More
Aug 11, 2012
Vet Teacher On 8/11/12, Subteacher86 wrote: > Yes, it's very hard which is why some teachers just teach out of a book - their classes may be terribly boring but teaching out of a book gives the day structure.

I can't teach elementary school because it requires too much 'thinking of lessons' on my part. I teach Middle School and I find it Much easie...See More
Sep 18, 2012

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