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Hello, everybody!

My principal requested that some of us apply to become qualified teacher mentors and I happily agreed. I am in my 5th year of teaching and feel I am not experienced enough to help new teachers in their new positions. The question I have concerns my state's 4 year mentoring program.

Where I live, the newly graduated, first year teachers no longer take the Praxis 3. Instead, they are put into a 4-yr internship program, which requires mentoring for 4 years. I have always wondered how a school can ensure 4 years of this, along with all that has to be done in those 4 yrs.

I know my school will offer a stipend to any mentor teacher, but the rest is somewhat vague. Does anybody have any experience in mentoring for 4 years? I'd like some advice or at least an idea of what is expected of me.

Future mentor again NOW qualified. I feel I am NOW qualified. My computer screen doesn't allow for previewing my posts before posting. Sorry!

On 9/29/12, Future mentor wrote: > Hello, everybody! > > My principal requested that some of us apply to become > qualified teacher mentors and I happily agreed. I am in my > 5th year of teaching and feel...See More
Sep 29, 2012

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