Mentor Teachers
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Mentor Teachers,

I feel like I can't teach, because I've never had success, and sometimes my lesson plans are unrealistic, cover too much material, assume students know what they don't, don't go into enough detail, make connections that are not apparent, or are just plain uninteresting due to lack of interactive activities. Unfortunately, I don't know what to do about it, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I would appreciate any advice you have. One major problem I have is lack of organization and appropriate teaching materials, like worksheets, that could help me accomplish my goal.

I already have my bachelor's and a teaching certificate for my state, but I missed a lot during student teaching. Most of my Language Arts lessons came from the book, and my lesson planning wasn't very good. Sure, I could write a lesson plan and put activities, materials, procedures, descriptions, etc. in the proper format, but implementation usually ended in complete disaster. My c...See More
Sara On 12/08/12, km wrote: > Mentor Teachers, Taking a subject and teaching a subject are different. Who was the best Lit/LanguageArts/English teacher you had? Why not try to model your teaching on that teacher's teaching?

There's no short answer to the long question you ask but my other suggestion would be- observe in other teachers' rooms...See More
Dec 9, 2012

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