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Any advice on materials, and/or websites that have helped
run a 1/2 mulitage classroom. I know centers are very
important. I am concerned on how to blend the two
curriculums. Please give me any good activities that were
used in the beginning of the year to make the class more
like a family, instead of two different grades. I have
read this is very important too!
Tina /blockquote>

I had a 1/2 last year, and I will have a 1/2 again this
year. I believe that in any class, developing a positive
community is very important. I use class meetings (a morning
meeting to start the day and another one in the afternoon
that we use for problem solving and discussing topics that
th...See More
Aug 12, 2006
Britt /blockquote>

I teach a 1/2 multiage. A couple things off the top of my
head: I call them new friends and old friends if I ever have
to distinguish between 1st and 2nd graders. It makes them
feel more like a family instead of having any divisions. AN
activity I do the first day, is I have one of the students
give me t...See More
Aug 17, 2006
Paula /blockquote>

I love this idea! I think I will incorporate it into my first
day as well. What a great way to show that we are all
Aug 17, 2006
Amy /blockquote>

I am also new to the multi-age/combined class. I am teaching
a 2/3. I "kept" my 3rd graders, the 2nds are new. I
partnered them up from the first day, so each 2nd had a
mentor. We did a lot of talk about how to help and how not to
help. We also did a project the first week where the partners
had to inter...See More
Sep 5, 2006

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