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Name: Army vs. Navy

Purpose: Team building & to get the participants heart pumping above average

Number of Players and Age: Unlimited people Ages 7-99 (may fluctuate based on ability)

Playing Area: Big open space. Ex: basketball court, field, or BIG empty conference room

Equipment: YOUR BODY and preferably gym shoes

Movement Skills: Running, Sitting, Standing, and quick thinking.

Limitations/Rules: 1. One side of the gym is designated as "Army", and the other side is "Navy" 2. Players start in the middle of the two sides. 3. The caller (whoever is running the game) will shout commands randomly at the players. 4. When Army is called, players would sprint to the side of they gym designated Army. 5. When Navy is called players would sprint to the opposite side of the gym. 6. When "hit the deck" is called, players must lay flat on their bellies as quickly as possible. 7. When "captains dinner"...See More

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