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From an Israeli news source:


Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration as the next president of the United States is causing Israeli intelligence officials to lose sleep as well. Discussions held in closed forums recently raised fears of a leakage of Israeli intelligence top-classified information, clandestine modus oprandi and sources, which have been exposed to the American intelligence community over the past 15 years, to Russia – and from there to Iran.   The cause of concern are the suspicions of unreported ties between the president-elect or his associates and the Kremlin, whose agents are also associated with intelligence officials in Tehran.   These fears, which began upon Trump’s election, grew stronger following a meeting held recently between Israeli and American intelligence officials (the date of the meeting is not mentioned to protect the sources of the report). During the meeting, according to the Israelis who participated in it, their A...See More
Cha Cha On 1/13/17, Chalky wrote: > > From an Israeli news source:

This article does not look credible.

Here's one big clue:

" American colleagues voiced despair over Trump’s election, as <i>he often lashes out at the American intelligence community."</i>

That isn't true. He criticized the...See More
Jan 13, 2017
Chalky On 1/13/17, Cha Cha wrote: > On 1/13/17, Chalky wrote:

> This article does not look credible. > > Here's one big clue: > > " American colleagues voiced despair over Trump’s election, > as <i>he often lashes out at the American intelligence > community."</i> > > That isn't true. He criti...See More
Jan 14, 2017
Bodyguard of Lies Chalky, why do you care what was allegedly said? What are the chances that an entire "intelligence community" speaks with once voice? What are the chances you'd hear the details of a conversation about top secret information.
Jan 14, 2017
AW You are right Cha Cha that the news source looks like more
FAKE news. Or if it is legit, then maybe it has ties to
the same intel that told us there were weapons of mass
destruction during the bush term. Maybe this is just a
ploy by those that still hope that somehow that current
idiot in the white house can stay by declaring an act ...See More
Jan 15, 2017

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