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President Trump has presented a comprehensive immigration reform plan in his second year. President Obama lied when he promised to do it in his first year, when his party had complete control of Congress and the WH, and could have passed whatever he wanted.

Democrats have been presented with a path to citizenship. Schumer and Gutierrez have offered funding for a walk. Will the democrats take yes for an answer? Or will they filibuster? It's impossible to negotiate with a liar like Schumer... but the president seems to be willing to give on some items in exchange for others. Will the democrats negotiate? Or continue to refuse to accept yes for an answer?
Bob R/CA It's fantastic! As in, pure fantasy. Not only does it have zero chance of passing in the GOP House, it completely contradicts what Trump pledged last week. He can't even get himself to agree with his ideas.
Jan 26, 2018
Tim Finnegan So, Bob ... question for you. Let's give all 800K "dreamers" citizenship ... as a concession to the Republicans, let's say they have no voting rights. What would you do the next day for the children that illegally immigrated to the US tomorrow?

Schumer and Gutierrez have both said they were willing to fund a wall. Do they mean it?
Jan 28, 2018

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