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I have a brand new student who is not quite 4 and has been home with a nanny who is apparently a bit easy going. He spent his first day not participating.(no problem,it was his first day).Unfortunately,at snack time,he proceeded to yell at the top of his lungs and would not stop,even at the statement of,basically, no cooperation=no snack. Later,he said to me "I'm going to bite you"and proceeded to put his mouth on my arm.I looked at him (taking a risk,I assume) eye to eye,and firmly said,"you do NOT bite,here."His mother blames his nanny,of course,since it's never the parents' fault. Any ideas and what would you all do if you were bitten?
Leah It sounds like he needs a new nanny or at least the parent needs some help.

What you said to him about biting is very appropriate. I would take his hands and repeat what you said if he tried it again. It will take time, but if you are consistant, he should be able to learn how to behave at school.

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Feb 27, 2012

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