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I am serving on a school improvement team for my parochial school, and need some tips on marketing the school to the members of our own congregation.

Thanks! And May God Bless.
4th Sometimes we have a 'school Mass' during one of the regular Sunday masses. The kids wear their uniforms and the older ones participate as lectors, gift bearers, ushers, etc. They sit together and make a pretty impressive looking group. It reminds the parishioners of what we do with part of our school day.

You might have an Open House after...See More
Apr 26, 2010
Leah Great ideas. Also, get specific recommendations from satisfied parents that you can print and share.
Apr 27, 2010
Dale D I, too, am on a marketing committee. Just some of the things we've done in the past year: In conjunction with the Foundation committee, a parish "Birthday Club" for all parish children 12 & under was started. Birthday cards are presented to the children from the parish & school once a month during Mass (during their birthday month), and the...See More
Apr 28, 2010

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