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I'm not sure that I'm doing this properly but I was not sure where to start. I am a senior executive at a major aerospace company and I am considering a career change.

I have a bachelors degree in engineering and a background ranging from research in medical physics to jet engine design. The one constant throughout my career is a love of teaching and motivating young engineers.

I am curious about the possibility of going in to teaching at the high school level in a rural area preferably in the Kentucky/Tennessee area. Any one care to advise me?
Zodea First word of advice... wait a few years :-) I think it will take that long before the glut of new teachers gets absorbed.

Otherwise, I would recommend you get a traditional teaching license if at all possible. How many areas do you think you can get certified in? In a rural school you may need to teach ALL of the science classes. It could...See More
May 26, 2010
Lulu Harvard has an 11 month teaching program designed specifically for people like you-mid career professionals in scientific fields. The program is small (an average of 10 students per year) and results in full certification. I have a friend who left engineering to enter the program. He's never regretted going into teaching.

The focus of the...See More
Jun 11, 2010

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