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I've been teaching at the university for over 20 years. I love teaching and being around my students. I like my courses and my colleagues. However, two things are burning me out. First is the poor leadership at the university. I should say, "Lack of leadership." However, most of the time that is not in my mostly lurks in the background.

The second thing that is burning me out is grading sub-standard work. I am tired of it and find myself procrastinating. In my honors classes I enjoy grading papers because they are are thoughtful and well written.

I think one underlying problem is that many students are so busy working, taking too many classes, and playing on the internet that they are perfectly happy with their work and their C grade. So for them any more "time on task" is not on their radar screen.

I teach time organization and study skills in some classes and get through to some students doing that.

Anyway, while I may be tired of gradi...See More
rw Yeah, I teach writing classes, and I'm currently feeling quite burned out too.

I'm thinking of switching to electronic commenting rather than commenting in ink. This might make it more motivating to comment on student papers. We'll see...
Nov 24, 2010

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