Reading First
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I am teaching a demo lesson in 2nd grade math at a RF School. I haven't had a lot of experience in Urban schools. How do you differentiate in a lesson for ELL learners vs. a struggling learner or an excelling student?
Linda/4/AZ For an ELL student, things that help are realia (not a photo of a seashell but a real seashell, etc.), physical demonstrations (I demonstrated water words by having groups of students flow, trickle, gush, etc.), and a lot of scaffolding. What do children need to know before they can understand your lesson? They also need the chance to practice Engl...See More
Oct 23, 2008
Jen Thanks for your suggestions. I just saw the post today but I got offered the job 2 weeks ago. Very happy to be off the market!

On 10/23/08, Linda/4/AZ wrote: > For an ELL student, things that help are realia (not a photo > of a seashell but a real seashell, etc.), physical > demonstrations (I demonstrated water words by having gro...See More
Nov 2, 2008

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