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I was wondering if anyone does the Voyager Reading Program at their school. I have worked with it twice but have only done the second semester of it. This new school year, I will start with the program from scratch from day one. Does anyone have tips about how to get kids to rotate and stay on task?

I am nervous about the whole "traing the kids to adapt" thing since everytime I worked with the program they have been trained already. Any hints or tips...
Mira Solomon I used the kindergarten Voyager program for five years. I found a few things established in the beginning of the year made all the difference. My kids loved the idea of team leaders (using team leaders prevented many of the usual interruptions and since everyone wants to be a team leader it was an incentive to be responsible during stations since I...See More
Jul 21, 2009
Maria Wow! thanks a million Mira! The way you describes it sounds so easy. I know it won't be easy, but it really helped me put a picture in my head as to what I need to do. One question: You say that you added two extra stations, how many kids are there per station? In total you have five stations plus "teaching station" right?

Thanks, Maria
Jul 22, 2009
Mira Maria: We always have had about 30 kids in our class (sometimes even a bit more). Voyager has 2 independent stations plus the teaching station (which is intended for about 6 kids , maybe 8 tops). That would have still left me with 12 kids per station which I think is way too many (especially in kindergarten). I aimed to have about 6 kids at each st...See More
Jul 26, 2009
Adrienne Lauder On 7/26/09, Mira wrote: > Maria: We always have had about 30 kids in our class (sometimes even > a bit more). Voyager has 2 independent stations plus the teaching > station (which is intended for about 6 kids , maybe 8 tops). That > would have still left me with 12 kids per station which I think is > way too many (especially in kinde...See More
Feb 14, 2010
Adrienne Lauder Has anyone seen success using voyager with students reading below grade level?

On 7/26/09, Mira wrote:

> Maria: We always have had about 30 kids in our class (sometimes even > a bit more). Voyager has 2 independent stations plus the teaching > station (which is intended for about 6 kids , maybe 8 tops). That > would h...See More
Feb 14, 2010

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