Reading First
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I've had to teach more basic skills this year than every before (I teach 5th grade). For the first time ever, here is a short list of "firsts" for my students... - many didn't know their vowel sounds - short or long. - many did not know the difference between a consonant and a vowel. - many had no idea about how locate points on a map with latitude and longitude, or many other basic map skills -- like the fact the equator is zero degrees latitude. - many did not know the difference between a state, a country and a continent. - I'm teaching writing skills like how to capitalize the first letter in a sentence and how to use ending punctuation. - a large number of them are reading fluently and have absolutely no idea what they are reading. Yikes!!!!!
sincere Do you think they have never been taught these skills, or that they were taught and "didn't get it"? Will they get it now??? I teach children that "just don't get it" no matter what I do...

On 11/04/09, and guess what? wrote: > I've had to teach more basic skills this year than every > before (I teach 5th grade). For the first time e...See More
Nov 6, 2009
Jo Sad to say, this doesn't surprise me in the least.

On 11/04/09, and guess what? wrote: > I've had to teach more basic skills this year than every > before (I teach 5th grade). For the first time ever, here > is a short list of "firsts" for my students... > - many didn't know their vowel sounds - short or long. > - many did n...See More
Nov 6, 2009
OP I think this is a result of the "just keep the pace and they'll get it eventually" philosophy of Reading First. I've been teaching for 20 years -- and I've never seen such a rapid and drastic drop in students' abilities since Reading First came to our school. In 5th grade -- we're not under the strict mandates of the RF grant, and even though the a...See More
Nov 8, 2009
Kinder Gal I totally agree with OP's comment on the reading first philosophy. I have been teaching for 18 years. For the past 2 years, I have been so frustrated teaching reading. Reading first expects students to "get it" by student's responding on cue. Those who do not get it are lost in the shuffle. Students are then tested to death with DIBELS weekly, whic...See More
Jul 4, 2010

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