Reading First
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For those who have survived Reading First, what are you doing now? Are you continuing to teach reading first with a reading coach? Did your school district absorb the cost of reading first? Is there another reading program that is taking the place of reading first?
emma We are now in what is called the "sustainability" mode. We are continuuing to have the 3 tiers for reading time and the 2 hours devoted to it. We still have to use the program chosen for our core reading time. However, we are given more leeway when it comes to what we use for intervention-- as long as it's working for the struggling readers. We sti...See More
Nov 20, 2009
Kinder Gal Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. We are in our second year of Reading First. I have seen some positives that have come out of it. I do get frustrated when we have to test all benchmark kids as that seems to come around when we need to assess for report card/progress reports and all of those assessments are 1:1! I do not mind th...See More
Nov 24, 2009

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