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Hydrated sun-dried tomatoes Basil Pesto (you can buy it already prepared) Olive Tapenade or Sun-dried tomato pesto Boursin Cheese (16 oz.) or you can use cream cheese Toasted walnuts or toasted pecans, or toasted almonds Fresh basil leaves small cake pans or any type of mold

If you are using cream cheese let it sit at room temperature until it is soft enough to spread. Mix 2t. garlic salt and 2 tablespoons chopped chives in the cream cheese with an electric mixer.

Line your small pan or mold with Saran Wrap allowing it to come up over the sides 2" or more.

Begin by layering your sundried tomatoes on the bottom of the pan, then the fresh basil leaves. Next sprinkle the toasted nuts of your choice.

Place cream cheese or boursin cheese on next. Working with a piece of Saran Wrap (to keep the cheese from sticking) mash the cheese in completely covering the nuts. Next put about 2 T. basil pesto on the cheese. Cover that layer again with the cream cheese m...See More

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