Remedial Reading
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We are an international group of researchers who study reading development and interventions with struggling readers. This letter responds to a number of questions that have been raised by educators, policymakers, and parents about the effectiveness of Reading Recovery, a tutoring program designed for struggling first grade students. We hope the following summary analysis will be helpful to those who are considering the most effective ways to help struggling students become proficient readers.
Stellaluna Thanks for sharing Jimmy... but RRCNA responded to this letter 7 yrs ago when it first came out. Why don't you look at something more recent like the What Works Clearinghouse
Mar 15, 2009
suzy I had a visiting professor at a university (psychologist who helped work on RTI in the south invited by our psychologist who always has all the answers) share that old article with me and a few others at an RTI study group two years ago. She was "wiser" than I and was telling me what she knew was the "scientific, evidence-based real deal". I haven'...See More
Mar 15, 2009
Julie Thank you Jimmy. I agree with the letter not only because of what it says but because of what I have observe has changed about RR.

I have read responses from RR. They are playing catch up. RR seems to change due to criticisms about what it should provide not science. If it did make their changes based on science and research, they would n...See More
Mar 19, 2009

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