Remedial Reading
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Does anyone have any pros and cons to the push in pull out models for reading services? Currently we pull out and I think we will be encouraged to push in next year. What are the obstacles and benefits you see to pushing in? Thanks, Michelle
Grace/IL On 4/27/09, Michelle wrote: > Does anyone have any pros and cons to the push in pull out > models for reading services? Currently we pull out and I > think we will be encouraged to push in next year. What are > the obstacles and benefits you see to pushing in? > Thanks, > Michelle

Pull out models: Pros: Quiet area in whic...See More
Apr 27, 2009
paulaj Grace/IL gave you a great list.

I'm a reading interventionist. I have 13 half-housr-long small groups daily. Some I push in; others are pull out. Here are some other thoughts.

Push in cons: Unless the classroom teacher has great control over what the students are doing who aren't in groups, it can be really noisy; even my high stu...See More
May 1, 2009

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