Remedial Reading
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This is my first year teaching English 9 and I have a lot of students in my class that are taking it for the 2nd or 3rd time, and I am slowly realizing that it is partially due to them being poor readers. When they are assigned to read silently, they usually don't do it. I don't know how to help these students and would love any ideas or strategies that you all use in your classrooms to help poor readers. I am just worried because we have the EOC where they will have to read silently to pass. Thanks!
Teri If you don't already have them buy any of the books by Cris Tovani, Kylene Beers, or Kelly Gallagher. They are full of strategies to help struggling readers, and, best of all, they are aimed at secondary students!

On 9/04/09, LRR wrote: > This is my first year teaching English 9 and I have a lot > of students in my class that are ta...See More
Sep 4, 2009
Tammie Find some remedial books that have subjects matter of interests to the age of your students but they have lower vocabulary difficulty. This helps to build confidence. Also incorporate some remedial vocabulary skills in the whole class environment. Have students draw cartoons or write sentences using the "word of the day" type vocabulary activities....See More
Sep 5, 2009
CT I am currently reading "I read it but I don't get it" by Cris Tovani and it is EXCELLENT! Not a huge book and great strategies.
Sep 10, 2009

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