Remedial Reading
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Teaching a special language class approximately grade 3 level, I found that choosing to read simple plays with the children motivated them to do Readers' Theatre with their favorite plays... and their very favorite play we produced! Each child read his or her part and in fact soon memorized it even though I never even suggested they memorize! It got them to practise reading painlessly. They were totally excited by this! The trick of course was to have lots of easy and short plays to offer... no problem getting an audience...the parents were thrilled!

Mae in Texas Reader's theatre is a genre different from plays. It has its own specific attributes. The script looks different and the performance is done differently. A play is a play is a play. A play is not reader's theatre. Reader's theatre is not a play. Somewhere, somehow, someone in education started calling plays "reader's theatre", and it caught on like...See More
Dec 29, 2009
Margaret Tourond-Townson Hi Mae I can fully understand your frustration about calling plays "Readers' Theatre". I agree they are not. However teachers can use the strategy of Readers' Theatre with a variety of plays to 1. test the waters and see the kids' reactions to the play 2. edit the play with the students -personalize if you will 3. teach ideas,information and empath...See More
Dec 29, 2009
sara We also call 'research papers' research papers when they're not that at all. That drives me crazy but what drives me even more crazy is when no one understands that our 'research papers' aren't that. Margaret was pleasantly quick to acknowledge the difference but I confess my ignorance - what is Readers Theatre really? And what is "bate"?

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Jan 5, 2010
Margaret Tourond-Townson Hi Sara I certainly know that Readers' Theatre is a dedicated term however as a teacher I have learned that to use a play that was not written expressly for Readers' Theatre really works. Now what should we say.... only use RT scripts or try out other plays as well for the class to have exposure to more drama and to actually learn more...especially...See More
Jan 5, 2010

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