Remedial Reading
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I am considering becoming a reading specialist since I just received my reading teacher license. Before I go on further with this license (and pay more), could you answer any of these questions for me? I just want to know more about what I might be getting in to. Thanks so much!

What are your responsibilities as the reading specialist?

Do you spent more of your day working with students or staff?

What does your typical day look like?

What are your favorite assessments?

What does the district expect from you?

Did you develop your district’s reading program? If yes, please tell me about it. If not, who had the responsibility?

What would you consider a great resource for directing and supervising a reading program?

What are the strengths/weaknesses of your program?

When you first became a reading specialist, what were your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

What advice would you giv...See More

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