Remedial Reading
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Hello everyone,

I am a 1-2 reading teacher in southern Illinois. After attending some workshops and doing some reading, I have decided that I want to begin using the 95% group with my Tier 3 students.

I have tryed to start writing the phonics blueprint lesson plans, but I feel like I am in over my head with this.

Have any of you written these plans and could maybe give me some pointers on how to do it?

The biggest snafu I am hitting is the decodable passages. I was planning on using passages from the basal series we use (Storytown) and Reading A-Z. However, they don't seem to match up very well with what prior skills were taught.

If anyone can give me advice or just be an ear for me to complain to now and then, I could really use the help!

Sara S.
Di Could you please explain what this is? I am not familiar with it. I am the intervention teacher at my school. sounds like something I need to know about.


On 6/22/10, Sara S. wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I am a 1-2 reading teacher in southern Illinois. After > attending some workshops and doing some reading, I have &...See More
Jun 22, 2010
Grace/IL Hi Sara,

I, too, would like to know a bit more about what you want to accomplish. I did a search for 95% phonics and came up with almost nothing. Is this a new concept (rerouting of something that's been around forever)in the scheme of things?

There are lots of phonics programs available but few that are really carefully designed ...See More
Jun 22, 2010
Jenn Hi Sara ~

I too have done a lot of research into phonics and decoding programs over the years, but never heard about 95%. I have used Wilson and can testify to that, but my favorites are ABeCeDarian ([link removed].

Sorry I can't be of more help!


On 6/22/10, Sara S. wrote: > Hello everyone, > > ...See More
Jun 26, 2010
Christy Grace, I think she may be referring the the 95% Group. I think they are related in some way to the DIBELS assessments. Susan Hall, who wrote "I've Dibeled, Now What" which suggests interventions to correlate with DIBELS is the founder of the company. They offer a "Blueprints for Phonics" product that provides the outline for phonics interventions, ...See More
Jun 30, 2010
Sara S. I am sorry that I wasn't more specific in my topic. Christy is correct, I was talking about the 95% Group. Although my school uses AIMS web and not Dibels. I thought this program was more popular than it obviously is. When I went to the NCLB conferene in Chicago this year, almost every group that spoke was using at least the Phonics Screener from 9...See More
Jun 30, 2010

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