Remedial Reading
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Does anyone do reading fluency in middle school? We have a separate language arts class and a reading class. I think my principal gave me a class period per day and labeled it reading fluency. I believe I will be pulling kids from different classrooms at this time. Need ideas?

If this was your class, what would you do?
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Nicole Schaben Great resource! I've used 6 minute fluency solution with many of my upper grade students. They find it challenging and it really improves their fluency. Read Naturally and Quick Reads are also good for improving fluency. If you don't have the $80- 100 to spend on the 6 minute fluency solutiion, then I would suggest downloading fluency probes from t...See More
Jul 29, 2010
Jo Oh, I forgot to add... you might want to check to see what is expected from this Reading Fluency class. I've seen some interstingly named classes before where the title had little to nothing to do with the skills that were actually taught in the class. Had one expected skills to be taught based on the title, one would be very surprised because thos...See More
Jul 29, 2010
Mark Pennington Absolutely. I am an MA reading specialist teaching seventh grade ELA. I suggest that teachers should allocate a few 15-20 minute sessions per week for fluency practice. Teachers differentiate the instruction, dividing students into small homogeneous groups i.e., kids with similar fluency levels. Use the same fluency passage for each group, or diffe...See More
Jul 30, 2010
Cyndy Especially with middle schoolers, I would definitely incorporate technology some how. You can use a program like Fluency Timer to have students time and record themselves reading into the computer to try to improve their fluency. It really helps for them to be able to play back their own reading and hear their own mistakes. We use Fluency Timer for...See More
Jan 22, 2011
Jeff We used Reading Plus this year as a pilot and it really improved fluency. It is a computer based silent reading fluency program.
Jun 20, 2012

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