The DIBELS template document that I've decided to share is not only a tool to document a students scores throughout the year, but also a progress report for parents as well. It is written in Microsoft Word format, so you can make your own changes to fit your school needs. The template shows the benchmark goal for each skill next to the place where the students actual score is placed. Teachers and Parents can easily understand if the student met their goal, and if the goal was not met, or how far below the goal the student actually is. Their is a parent letter to aid in understanding scores and benchmark goals and a page for each grade K-6. This template took a while to create and I would like to help other teachers who are looking for such a template and need to save time.
E-mail me if you have questions or have trouble downloading. The easiest way is to highlight the address below and copy/paste it into the URL. The document's web address is below: