Social Studies
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    Can anyone recommend some good social studies teacher's websites?
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    Barbara Authentic history is one that comes to mind

    On 12/25/11, JR wrote: > Can anyone recommend some good social studies teacher's > websites?
    Dec 28, 2011
    Kev I'll recommend mind. I'm shameless.

    [link removed]

    On 12/25/11, JR wrote: > Can anyone recommend some good social studies teacher's > websites?
    Dec 29, 2011
    My mom is in an independent living facility.

    The director knows I teach middle school social studies and she asked if I could do four thirty-minute "classes" in February.

    She didn't give me much more direction than that.

    Can anyone think of ideas that might interest seniors. I'd like something where it's more of a discuss...See More
    Sara On 12/27/11, Karlie wrote: > My mom is in an independent living facility. > > The director knows I teach middle school social studies and > she asked if I could do four thirty-minute "classes" in > February. > > She didn't give me much more direction than that. > > Can anyone think of ideas that might interest seniors. I'...See More
    Dec 28, 2011
    Jack/AR/7-8 I would consider a local history discussion. Find some info on a local landmark, important person or building that they may not know had a story. Encourage them to journal their won stories for a roundtable discussion. They may teach you a thing or two! Jack

    On 12/27/11, Karlie wrote: > My mom is in an independent living facility. > ...See More
    Dec 28, 2011
    hey can i ask you one simple thing
    sonya On 12/28/11, theking wrote: > hey can i ask you one simple thing

    Dec 30, 2011
    Really cool social science lessons ready to teach straight away
    Hi Go to Thankss
    full disclosure- I've posted a similar thread on the general teacher's chatboard, but I think other social studies teachers might be able to identify/assist me in a more specific way. thanks for taking a look!

    So I am sitting here trying to plan for next week. Maybe if I am explicit about my thinking, decision making, you can help me see ...See More
    Kev Generally the things students should know are going to be on the lower levels of Bloom. There's nothing wrong with that. The fact is that's what they are going to face on those silly tests anyway so that should be your objective.

    How you reach that objective surely can use the higher levels. For example, on the USSR question a writing assi...See More
    Jan 7, 2012
    jj Thanks for the feedback, kev

    On 1/07/12, Kev wrote: > Generally the things students should know are going to be on > the lower levels of Bloom. There's nothing wrong with that. > The fact is that's what they are going to face on those silly > tests anyway so that should be your objective. > > How you reach that objectiv...See More
    Jan 7, 2012
    I want to assign an essay on the Articles of Confederation as an optional "drop your lowest grade"...but I'm a first year teacher and have never given an assignment like this. I can design the rubric, but need help devloping a writing prompt. 8th grade U.S. history, mixture of advanced and regular grade-level students.
    Kev It depends what type of essay you are looking for. Is it purely expository or do you want some persuasion or evaulation? I'd suggest checking with your Language Arts teachers to see what essay styles your students have learned this year and go with one of those.

    On 1/07/12, Mike wrote: > I want to assign an essay on the Articles of Conf...See More
    Jan 8, 2012
    Sara On 1/08/12, Kev wrote: > It depends what type of essay you are looking for. Is it purely > expository or do you want some persuasion or evaulation? I'd > suggest checking with your Language Arts teachers to see what > essay styles your students have learned this year and go with > one of those. > > On 1/07/12, Mike wrote: >&...See More
    Jan 10, 2012
    Full lessons including plans, printables etc ready to download and teach instantly. Very cool! Very suitable for US teachers [link removed]
    To the Social Studies Department Heads of Schools; I am please to inform your subject coordinator in Social Studies that to apply as a subject teacher. Thank you very much.

    Truly yours, Dr. Benjamin T. Bantilan Jr. Applicant January 14, 2012 Philippines
    For the past year, the University of Colorado Museum has partnered with the National Taiwan Museum, the Laiyi Indigenous Museum, and the Navajo Nation Museum to document native collections and create educational materials for the public and the classroom. One of the products is the iShare web site: [link removed].

    Take the survey at: [lin...See More

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