Social Studies
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I was wondering if there is any new, creative, fun interesting ways to introduce new ss content. For example, you are just starting a new topic/chapter in the book. Other than round robin reading, is there any other fun ways to read the material for the first time???? Thanks, kim
Sara On 12/06/10, Kim wrote: > I was wondering if there is any new, creative, fun > interesting ways to introduce new ss content. For example, > you are just starting a new topic/chapter in the book. > Other than round robin reading, is there any other fun ways > to read the material for the first time???? Thanks, > kim

Most t...See More
Dec 7, 2010
Bud When we do text reading I sometimes:

1. Interject stories about the event/person which the book leaves out.I'll stop frequently during the reading to do that. 2. Let the kids act out some of the events. 3. Try to relate whatever the event or concept is to something currently going on or to another time period.

Best wishes.
Dec 8, 2010
kev We do something called Chapter Walks where students answer a series of questions based only on the graphics in the chapter - maps, timelines, illustrations, etc. I wouldn't call it fun but it certainly moreso than your standard read this, answer that sheet.

We have also made 3-4 minute movie trailers for each unit. Those are a great starte...See More
Dec 9, 2010
Lynde Your chapter walks sound very similar to what I call a "gobbet." When I start a new chapter or section, I have the kids "gobbet" whatever insets (maps, images, primary quotes, whatever)are available, or I bring pictures in (I use power-pointsw for this). A gobbet is: x# of observations; X# of comments; X# of questions; X# of descriptions. Sometimes...See More
Dec 9, 2010

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