Social Studies
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Hi Everyone, This week in my social studies class we are studying the Second Continental Congress and Pre-Revolutionary War, I have assigned a project on Daughters and Sons of Liberty, I have a had 2 girls come up and ask me about Abigail Adams and I don't have much information on her. Can anyone give me some good resources other than textbooks which I have read through. I'd really appreciate it, Mrs. Caroline Constrovi
Sara On 2/15/11, ContinentalCongressINFO wrote: > Hi Everyone, > This week in my social studies class we are studying the > Second Continental Congress and Pre-Revolutionary War, I > have assigned a project on Daughters and Sons of Liberty, I > have a had 2 girls come up and ask me about Abigail Adams > and I don't have much informatio...See More
Feb 16, 2011

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