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What is your policy when students fail test? Let me give you a little background on how I handle tests. I teach 8th Grade History

- I test main ideas (not minute details) - I provide a study guide and we spend time reviewing the important ideas after we correct the study guide (usually with a learning game) - I add extra credit points - which I add to the test- for students who complete and correct their study guides - I ocasionally provide extra credit points - which I add to the test - when students create a learning activity such as flash cards - I have modified versions of the test for special education students or students who have reading / learning issues

Still, I have the same group of students (2 to 3 per class) who fail tests and they are almost always the students who did not do the work leading up to the test and / or the study guide. Some teachers in our school (mostly math teachers) allow students to retake the test. I haven't up until now but I may want...See More
history teacher On 2/27/11, Andrea L wrote: > What is your policy when students fail test? Let me give > you a little background on how I handle tests. I teach 8th > Grade History

If I have the same two or three failing tests as you describe, I'd want to know more. I know others say they've done enough but we each of us have our philsophy of teac...See More
Mar 1, 2011
Aaron In my large district, we are required to allow a retest. Fine with me, but the kids won't retake it. The ones who fail are also the ones who may not care. If a kid wants to retake a test, I'd let them. The time they spend thinking about history is worth a few points in my book.
yesterday, 2011
Ms. Elisabeth Greenfield (mrs. Tushar) On 3/09/11, Aaron wrote: > In my large district, we are required to allow a retest. Fine > with me, but the kids won't retake it. The ones who fail are > also the ones who may not care. If a kid wants to retake a > test, I'd let them. The time they spend thinking about history > is worth a few points in my book.

In my class ...See More
Mar 10, 2011
richard I agree retests can only help in the overall retention of the information. If it is the same few students failing there may be a deeper seeded reason. Perhaps there is problems at home, or with other students, perhaps the student feels they are bad at social studies so they don't put the effort in because they feel it is not worth it. Either way th...See More
Apr 9, 2011

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