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I'm crossing subjects to post a plea for help.

For years, I've relied on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum website for background on Elie Wiesel's Night. This year, our hapless IT people have signed up with a new software blocking site. As far as I know, the only site it blocks is! We can get onto Facebook, YouTube, and who knows what else.

I need the slideshow that's an overview of the death camps, and my students have used the various genocide resources.

1. Do any of you have this problem? 2. Any ideas on how to get around this? I can't save the file at home.

Thank you!
Sara On 3/22/11, calif english teacher wrote: > I'm crossing subjects to post a plea for help.

We have software blocking sites too but our IT people exempt teachers' computers. Call them and have them remove the block from your computer or from your account.

Download the file onto a CD at home. Though I'd venture to say there are ot...See More
Mar 23, 2011

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