Social Studies
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I honestly am often not satisfied with the learning objectives that are listed in the textbooks I've used. Who, better, than a bunch of social studies to collaborate on articulating meaningful learning goals/outcomes that in many cases are field tested.

We've all searched for lesson plans on the internet. But what I am imagining is a resource in which a teacher can scan a list of learning objectives and if they spot one they like, maybe they can click on it and discover some resources or activities that are associated with it. They can also look at ways that teachers have measured student attainment of the objective. And maybe they can even see examples of student work associated with the objective.

For the time being, I think we should just keep this going in this thread. When we're up and running maybe we link to a wiki to better organize the content. Interested? I'll get things started by posting some World War I objectives that I am brainstorming.

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