Social Studies
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Hi all,

I'm in need of some advice. I'm a software developer working on a world capitals matching game. Going through the lists, I'm finding references to separate administrative, judicial, and legislative capitals (e.g. South Africa). Do find it worth it to include all of them or should I just take the most common capital?

Thanks! Bob
Just me For what it's worth, when my students do a continent map, they must put all capitals if a country has more than one.

On 5/03/11, Bob Dronski wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm in need of some advice. I'm a software developer > working on a world capitals matching game. Going through > the lists, I'm finding references to separate >...See More
May 4, 2011
Bob Dronski That's exactly what I need to know. I just wasn't sure what was considered important.


> For what it's worth, when my students do a continent map, they > must put all capitals if a country has more than one. >
May 4, 2011
The Washington Capitals, of course! nfm On 5/03/11, Bob Dronski wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm in need of some advice. I'm a software developer > working on a world capitals matching game. Going through > the lists, I'm finding references to separate > administrative, judicial, and legislative capitals (e.g. > South Africa). Do find it worth it to include all of them > ...See More
May 4, 2011

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