Social Studies
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I am seeking out some resources for social studies curriculum beyond the full-year textbook, boxed curriculum for elective classes at the middle school level. To clarify--high interest 6-15 week classes for ELECTIVE social studies. any ideas?
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tj wow Michael. I love your site!

On 5/12/11, Michael Laser wrote: > Hi, Kari, > > My son is a 7th grader and he has a favorite social studies > teacher who has taught semester-long electives in: - The > 60s - History of Rock - World War II - Current Events > I'm also writing to you to share the idea of teaching current >...See More
May 17, 2011
dan4thgr has lots of Social Studies units that I use frequently. They are not long term units, but if you need extras for a unit that you do settle on check out the site. Just go to this long URL and look in the Social Studies column.

[link removed]//
May 21, 2011
Randall Conrad On 5/08/11, Kari Lintner wrote: > I am seeking out some resources for social studies > curriculum beyond the full-year textbook, boxed curriculum > for elective classes at the middle school level. To > clarify--high interest 6-15 week classes for ELECTIVE social > studies. any ideas?
May 22, 2011
Randall Conrad A number of teachers have spun off various mini-sized units using my 30-minute video (now out as a DVD thanks to a state grant) called "A Little Rebellion." It tells the story of Shays' Rebellion of 1786-87, which originated in western Massachusetts. It covers that "blank" period between the Revolution and the Constitution. It opens up discussions ...See More
May 22, 2011
Darren Van Soye On 5/08/11, Kari Lintner wrote: > I am seeking out some resources for social studies > curriculum beyond the full-year textbook, boxed curriculum > for elective classes at the middle school level. To > clarify--high interest 6-15 week classes for ELECTIVE social > studies. any ideas? I have an idea. Hope it will help some of your loo...See More
Jun 9, 2011

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