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My principal has asked me to teach an elective class next. It can be of my own choosing as long as I have the credentials to teach it. (I have a social studies endorsement) I am having a difficult time deciding. I'm wondering if anyone out there currently teaches an elective history course for middle school aged students.

Our middle school consists of 7th and 8th graders. Our current curriculum has 7th graders learning eastern civilizations and 8th graders learning U.S. history from colonialism to just before the start of the Civil War. In 9th grade they will get world history.

I want to choose something that will "fit" with what we currently have going on, but also want it to be appealing to the students.

Right now I've tossed around: Middle Ages, Greek & Roman History, Military History, some kind of current events class since the 20th century.

Not really sure. Would love to hear what has worked for others or what you might t...See More
Bulldog One class that would help the WH teacher would be Geography. You didn't say what state, but I'm assuming that the World History class is an EOC tested class. I know that VA's Standards of Learning require a ton of map and chart literacy. So, that's my 3 1/2 cents worth (inflation).


On 5/31/11, Jami wrote: > Help! >...See More
Jun 1, 2011
Jeff You could also focus on early American history. In California, that's what the students are supposed to learn in elementary school, but because of the pressures of testing, they rarely get much history at all. A full unit on the American colonies and American Revolution would help out when U.S. history is taught in 8th grade.

On 6/01/11, ...See More
Jun 2, 2011
Sara On 5/31/11, Jami wrote:

I taught a class in the "Biggies of History" once that went very well - I chose ten topics - Industrialization, Rights of Man, Slavery, Migration and six more and showed - or tried to show - the impact those 'biggies' had on human history and the development of human society.

Another class that went well w...See More
Jun 5, 2011
Jami Great ideas!! Thanks for the help to all. :)
Jun 5, 2011
Evan You have mentioned a number of topics. Choose one that is based on your own interests. Maybe one of these ideas will appeal to you:

1. Teach the decades: What made each decade unique--room for culture, sports, songs, comedians, historical events, technological advancements, etc. 2. History through films. 3. Civil Rights 4. Archaeology 5. H...See More
Jun 10, 2011

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