Social Studies
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I've been a social studies teacher at the middle and high school levels for about 9 years and during this time the one thing that I learned that unites students of all backgrounds is that they just never seem to get excited by cracking open one of those 25 pound social studies textbooks. (Crazy, I know)

I knew how awesome social studies really was and I wanted my students to understand this too. So, out of sheer desperation to get my students to engage with the material I began to surf and scour the libraries for the perfect resources.

What did I find?

That I no longer had a life...

Call me obsessive (my wife does) but I spent hundreds of hours glued to a computer screen on the hunt for new games, videos, sound clips interactiuve lessons that would make up for the boring textbooks that I forced them to read.

Finally, I decided that the hit or miss nature of the internet was getting me no where but older.

So....See More

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