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I was wondering if anyone who's been to the annual NCSS conference in Washington DC thinks that going to the conference would be a good idea for an unemployed, new teacher?

I recently read in an article I got to through Education Week that attending conferences in one's subject matter or grade level is a good idea for unemployed teachers. I'm not crazy about the idea of using the frequent flier miles and spending the money that it would take for me to go, but I've had my single subject social science credential (California certification) for two years and I've had my Masters and an English credential since last fall and even though the amount of interviews I've been getting has gone up, I'm still unemployed and rather desperate. So I'm willing to spend the money, but I'd prefer to do so after someone with more knowledge and experience about the conference says it's indeed worth it...if it is.

Thanks in advance for your help.
TeachLikeYoda Sarah,

I, too, am considering a trip to DC this December to meet with my national colleagues. I attended as a recipient of a 'First- Timer Scholarship' last year at the Denver conference, I was highly impressed with the workshops and seminars. I have since successfully integrated much of the information gleaned into my daily instructional ...See More
Sep 2, 2011

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