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I need opinions: Do you think Ken Burns' Civil War documentary is appropriate for 5th grade? Has anyone used it with this age group?
Sara On 9/04/11, Ms. R wrote: > I need opinions: Do you think Ken Burns' Civil War > documentary is appropriate for 5th grade? Has anyone used > it with this age group?

No - it won't hold the attention of 5th graders. At all. It's too slow moving. And WAY too long.

Go online - there are many other things that would work better...See More
Sep 5, 2011
Mary Hinz On 9/04/11, Ms. R wrote: > I need opinions: Do you think Ken Burns' Civil War > documentary is appropriate for 5th grade? Has anyone used > it with this age group?

It is such a terrific resource. I would not use it "as is" because it is just long. However, because it is divided into usable segments, one way to use it would be to u...See More
Sep 8, 2011
Mary Hinz I wanted to add the link for PBS:

[link removed]

There are terrific lesson plans for grades 7-12, but some could be adapted for younger kids
Sep 11, 2011
Ms. R On 9/11/11, Mary Hinz wrote: > I wanted to add the link for PBS: > > [link removed]

Thank you Mary!
Sep 11, 2011
Gin I would use it! It's such a great documentary, just show excerpts of the sections you are teaching that day. Maybe not going over 5 minutes to keep their attention!
Sep 13, 2011

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