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OK my 7th grade students do History Day. This year the theme is Revolution, Reform, and Reaction. I am doing pretty good at helping students fit the topics that they want to study with this year's theme, however I cam coming up blank on WW2 and I have about 12 students who want to do this topic. I did come up with one idea for the Holocaust, which was the Nuremberg Trials. I have a couple of ideas that would be doable if they were in 11th or 12th grade, but these are 7th graders.

You can use one, two or all three of the three R's. Also revolution can be any major change in the way things are done.

Other students' topics that I am also having difficulties with. 1. Norway 2. Venice 3. Vietnam War 4. Canada, especially Toronto 5. Clothing/fashion This student has a lot of difficulty reading, so material must be easily available at a middle school reading level.

Thank you for your help.
Sara On 11/02/11, Revolution, Reaction and Reform wrote: > OK my 7th grade students do History Day. This year the > theme is Revolution, Reform, and Reaction. I am doing > pretty good at helping students fit the topics that they > want to study with this year's theme, however I cam coming > up blank on WW2 and I have about 12 students who...See More
Nov 3, 2011
RRR On 11/03/11, Sara wrote: > On 11/02/11, Revolution, Reaction and Reform wrote: >> OK my 7th grade students do History Day. This year the >> theme is Revolution, Reform, and Reaction. I am doing >> pretty good at helping students fit the topics that they >> want to study with this year's theme, however I cam coming >>...See More
Nov 3, 2011

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