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Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on completing my Master of Education (K-12 Social Studies) at Xavier University.

For my research project, I am studying the use and effectiveness of simulations (i.e. role-playing activities, games, and the use of digital or computer simulations) in the Social Studies classroom for grades 7-12.

I'm currently collecting data from teachers who are currently teaching in U.S. Social Studies classrooms. If you are a Social Studies Educator who teaches in grades 7-12 in a United States classroom and are willing to spend just a couple of minutes to help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it. The survey should take no longer than five to ten minutes and is polling 100 individuals.

The results will be anonymous (i.e. I will not disclose any of your personal information in my research paper and will only be looking at data in aggregate form to support or refute my thesis using statistical methods).

Also, the infor...See More

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