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Hi all,

I am thinking of moving to a layered curriculum but am not sure.

Are any of using it now and if so, or not, any thoughts on why?


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Andrea I tried layered curriculum for a short while, but dropped it for the same reasons Linde listed. If you go to the website [link removed].

On 11/16/11, Turtle wrote: > Hi all, > > I am thinking of moving to a layered curriculum but am not sure. > > Are any of using it now and if so, or not, any thoughts on why? > > Thank...See More
Nov 21, 2011
Bulldog I use it for my US Govt class. We do instruction on Mon and Tues, work on Weds and Thurs, tests on Fri. It works well. I would hesitate using it with younger students as they often lack the drive and discipline.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


On 11/21/11, Andrea wrote: > I tried layered curriculum for a s...See More
Nov 21, 2011
Joe/HS/CT I am using it right now in one of my World History classes. I created a two day layered curriculum activity based on one of the topics we're currently studying. Students have to do 1 of 3 choices for the C layer, everyone has to do the same B layer assignment, and they have to do 1 of 2 choices in the A layer. Bulldog, how many choices do you inclu...See More
Nov 22, 2011
Bulldog back to Joe Sorry I haven't been around for a few. It depends on the actual unit, but we usually have two or three assignments. We look at the degree of difficulty on the assignments as well as the estimated time it would take for the student to complete each layer.

Hope this helps.


On 11/22/11, Joe/HS/CT wrote: > I am u...See More
Dec 1, 2011
sonya I was just doing some research for a new unit on Maus and came across this discussion. First, let me say that I teach all girls in a residential facility, English, grades 8-12. Abilities are literally from one end of the spectrum to the other. I needed a new approach. I first used layered curriculum this year. As we all know, every student is diffe...See More
Dec 28, 2011

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