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I am currently a freshman in college on my way to becoming a high school social studies teacher. My English comp teacher wants us to write a 4 plus page paper on what kind of writing is expected of us in our fields after graduation. I am finding NOTHING on google or any of the academic databases on it. we have to have an interview, a book and a journal article as sources and i haven't found a thing. The assignment is due for peer reviews on Monday. Any suggestions you could give me would be awesome. Thank you!
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Just sayin' You used the word " perfect" and you spelled grammar "grammer". I don't think I need to say anything more.

On 12/04/11, SS teacher wrote: > Dear OP, > > Quite honestly, I cringed when I read your two > postings. You made more errors than the majority of my > high school students. Maybe the reason that your > teacher gave...See More
Dec 5, 2011
kmcinnis Dear Just Sayin', I love you. =)
Dec 5, 2011
Kmcinnis Dear SS Teacher, I am deeply sorry that I did not meet your standards for posting on a message board. I do have a few major points of confusion about your post though. First, you mentioned the use of text speak, but not once in any of my posts did I ever use text speak. Any of my friends will gladly tell you that I send the longest text messages in...See More
Dec 5, 2011
gggrrrrrrrrr...... Dear SS teacher,

Here we go again. Quite honestly, i cringed when I read your post. why??? because although u may have good intentions, u r coming off sounding like u r the grammar police! quite frankly, i get so tired of having to make sure i am perfect when i post something on this board. i have to be on my cues all day...this is my let ...See More
Dec 14, 2011
WM Wow, nice critique, you misspelled grammar "grammer". You should probably take your own advice.

On 12/04/11, SS teacher wrote: > Dear OP, > > Quite honestly, I cringed when I read your two > postings. You made more errors than the majority of my > high school students. Maybe the reason that your > teacher gave this assi...See More
Feb 27, 2013

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