Social Studies
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My mom is in an independent living facility.

The director knows I teach middle school social studies and she asked if I could do four thirty-minute "classes" in February.

She didn't give me much more direction than that.

Can anyone think of ideas that might interest seniors. I'd like something where it's more of a discussion of topics that interest them.

Sara On 12/27/11, Karlie wrote: > My mom is in an independent living facility. > > The director knows I teach middle school social studies and > she asked if I could do four thirty-minute "classes" in > February. > > She didn't give me much more direction than that. > > Can anyone think of ideas that might interest seniors. I'...See More
Dec 28, 2011
Jack/AR/7-8 I would consider a local history discussion. Find some info on a local landmark, important person or building that they may not know had a story. Encourage them to journal their won stories for a roundtable discussion. They may teach you a thing or two! Jack

On 12/27/11, Karlie wrote: > My mom is in an independent living facility. > ...See More
Dec 28, 2011

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