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full disclosure- I've posted a similar thread on the general teacher's chatboard, but I think other social studies teachers might be able to identify/assist me in a more specific way. thanks for taking a look!

So I am sitting here trying to plan for next week. Maybe if I am explicit about my thinking, decision making, you can help me see where I may be inefficient /ineffective in my planning.

I started by looking at my district's common exam, which is 100 multiple choice questions, many of which include "All of the following are true EXCEPT...." and "Which of the following is NOT true" questions. My students (many of whom are spec ed) struggle with these questions, and I have learned repeatedly this semester that very few of my strategies actually help them get better at these type of questions. I really don't like having to prepare them for a test that I think is flawed. Nonetheless, I must. For I don't see it going away.

Next I made a list. So far it is ...See More
Kev Generally the things students should know are going to be on the lower levels of Bloom. There's nothing wrong with that. The fact is that's what they are going to face on those silly tests anyway so that should be your objective.

How you reach that objective surely can use the higher levels. For example, on the USSR question a writing assi...See More
Jan 7, 2012
jj Thanks for the feedback, kev

On 1/07/12, Kev wrote: > Generally the things students should know are going to be on > the lower levels of Bloom. There's nothing wrong with that. > The fact is that's what they are going to face on those silly > tests anyway so that should be your objective. > > How you reach that objectiv...See More
Jan 7, 2012

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