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I'm a pre prac. student who is planning a lesson plan on women of the colonial era/or even a little later. My lesson plan is obviously corresponds to gender. I'm having difficulty finding lesson plans and/or activities for high school history students. Any suggestions. I'm hoping to keep my focus around the following: Phillis Wheatley Lucy Terry Prince Polly Baker The Daughters of Liberty Anne Hutchinson Margaret Corbin And Deborah Garnet.

I also hopefully want to include information about some of the political/social restrictions of women during this period. Ideally I hope to craft a lesson plan that will help students develop an understanding of the role of multiculturalism and social justice. I want to focus on teaching the experience of underrepresented groups in history (women)
History Teacher On 10/30/14, JH wrote:

I think you're biting off way too much for any one lesson plan certainly or even for a unit. What are you targeting? Multiculturalism, social justice or women as an underrepresented group?

What do the Daughters of Liberty have to do with multiculturalism? They were not a multicultural group. At all. What doe...See More
Nov 5, 2014

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