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I have never posted on this board before, but I have a
problem and I hope someone here can help me. I teach first
grade at my school. I am also the SYSOP. Today I went to
school to update some computer stuff before the other
teachers return. One thing I wanted to do was to promote all
our students in Accelerated Reader. I realize that when it
promotes them in AR, it also promotes them in STAR. After I
went through the wizard to promote the students in AR, it
asked for the STAR administrator password. When I submitted
it, I got an error message that said it was the wrong
password. However, it was not the wrong password. I did this
several times. I restarted the computer. I tried it on a
different computer. I ran AR Doctor and STAR doctor. Nothing
worked. Does anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong? Or is
there something wrong with our Accelerated Reader? Should I
call a technician to come look at it?
George /blockquote>

On 8/07/06, WV Teacher wrote:
I ran AR Doctor and STAR doctor. Nothing
> worked. Does anyone have a clue what I'm doing wrong? Or is
> there something wrong with our Accelerated Reader? Should I
> call a technician to come look at it?

This is a known problem and happened to me once.
Unfort...See More
Aug 8, 2006
teacher in WV /blockquote>


Thank you so much for responding. At least you've given me hope
that I haven't completely lost my mind. I will try calling them
tomorrow while I'm at the server. Luckily our kids haven't come
back to school yet. Many of them read over the summer, and
they're ready to take an AR test on the first...See More
Aug 9, 2006
George /blockquote>

On 8/09/06, teacher in WV wrote:
> George,
> Thank you so much for responding. At least you've given me hope
> that I haven't completely lost my mind. I will try calling them
> tomorrow while I'm at the server. Luckily our kids haven't come
> back to school yet. Many of them read over...See More
Aug 9, 2006
teacher in WV /blockquote>

I called them this morning and tech support walked me through it It
is fixed now. Thank you George.
Aug 10, 2006

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