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Hello! I am currently a student with Grand Canyon University and I need assistance with an assignment. I live in Germany so it is difficult for me to contact anyone in the local community (my German is not so gut). I have to interview a special education teacher (either via telephone or email....by my instructor also gave me permission to contact discussion forums). Below are the assignment requirements. So far I haven't had any luck with any of my practicums. :( Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Teacher candidates will learn of development characteristics from a nurse, physical education teacher, sports coach, or other health specialist at the school and practicing special education teacher. In this block, your field experience must be completed outside of school hours when students are not present.

Contact a health specialist and a special education teacher from secondary grades 6-12 and arrange separate interviews. Speak with your instructor about alternate...See More
MiddieNew Did you find someone to help you? I am new at a Middle School this (upcoming) year but would be glad to help.
Jul 27, 2019
MiddieNew Did you find someone to help you? I am new at a Middle School this (upcoming) year but would be glad to help.
Jul 27, 2019
MiddieNew Did you find someone to help you? I am new at a Middle School this (upcoming) year but would be glad to help.
Jul 27, 2019

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